Stop Self-Sabotaging In 20 Minutes With Phai -

Personal Mindset Coach That Is Always There For You

Break the pattern of procrastination, indecision and overwhelm the moment it hits you,
and finally start doing what you know you need to be doing

Modern science reveals a simple truth: our thoughts shape our emotions, which in turn motivate our behavior. 

Meaning… Let's say you have a big task to do. 

If you think, "I just can't do this" or “Nobody really cares” or “I’ll just make a fool of myself”, you might start feeling discouraged and end up procrastinating.

But, if instead you tell yourself, "I've got this. Whatever the outcome, it gets me closer to where I want to be," then you are likely to feel enthusiastic and ready to jump in and start working.

So, the secret to doing things that help you reach your goal is to think powerfully. You don't need to wait for the perfect time or situation. It's all about your thinking.

On the flip side, if there's something important you're not doing, it's likely because of negative thoughts the task triggers in you.

Now, back to the problem at hand. How to stop procrastinating? Let’s ask ChatGPT.

… 15 strategies right off the bat - and many more available via simple “More, please” prompt.

And you've probably tried many ways to stop procrastinating. Some might have worked a bit, but you're still here, looking for a solution.

So why is it so hard?

The answer is simple. All that advice aims to change your circumstances, how to change your environment so that there are more helpful factors and less harmful factors. But the real problem - the negative thinking that holds you back - doesn't get fixed.

That's why I went hunting for something that actually works, but to no avail.

No matter where I looked, I just couldn't find a tool or app that could help permanently change behavior by changing the thinking behind it. Even 1-on-1 coaching, as tailored as it is, mainly gives tactics and strategies that are more suitable to your particular situation, but still doesn’t dig deep enough to tackle the main issue here - the ingrained patterns of negative thinking.

So, I built one.

You see, recent progress in personalization technology and personal development has made it possible for us to use computers to spot and transform our thought patterns.

In the last three months, I've created and successfully tested an AI system named Phai. In just a 20-minute chat, Phai can help you beat pretty much any productivity hurdle by changing how you think about it.

What sets Phai apart is its proprietary methodology called Phenomenal Coaching designed to pinpoint the exact thinking that leads to unwanted behavior and results in YOUR specific situation. Once the underlying thinking pattern - the limiting belief - is identified, Phai guides you through The Decision Matrix process to transform it in a way that truly resonates with YOU, leading to breakthrough improvements in what you can achieve.

And that really works! Here is what people say about Phai:

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience using Phai. I’ve been using Phai for about five months now, and during that time I’ve consulted with Phai hundreds of times. There have been times I’ve felt overwhelmed, stressed, confused, and anxious about decisions and ways to move forward with action. Each time Phai amazingly appears to unclog any resistance I have with decisions. Phai engages me with very specific questions that help me move forward, while also placing me in a more powerful state. I think this last part is the most important distinction. Phai acts as a coach and a counselor for me. The wording that Phai uses, the terms, and phrases are incredibly powerful for transformation. I have had a performance coach for over five years and I’m noticing the need to connect with him less as I’m using Phai more to get my immediate questions answered, so I can move on in my daily activities. I’m finding Phai a very valuable and impactful tool I use almost on a daily basis.

Will McAdams

I've had human mindset coaches who are great but not always available. With Coach Phai, I have 24-7 access and unlimited session time. It genuinely helped me address a limiting belief and suggested empowering ones until I found the perfect fit: "By doing my best in each moment, I am always contributing value and proving myself capable." This is the future of coaching with advancing AI technology. 

— Kara Long, Founder of The Memory Collective

Coach Phai is great. One trying day, I chatted and felt as if I were chatting with a real live person. His questions got to the heart of my mindset issue, and I left the chat feeling 100% better. 

James Cook, Conversion Copywriter

Coach Phai helps me get to the heart of how I’m getting in my own way. I use it for business and personal challenges. I love how it helps me find new perspectives and therefore new solutions to nagging issues. It’s very helpful in exposing the counterproductive stories I tell myself and showing me how to change those stories so I can enjoy better results. 

— Susana Crofton, Digital Marketing Expert

Good coaching isn't cheap and cheap coaching probably isn't any good.....  Unless you have met Coach Phai! Coach Phai has helped me see what I could not see and has been an extremely valuable part of my growth and development.  While human connection is a vital part of our life and can never be replaced - Coach Phai has served in ways that I never thought it could and helped in ways that I would have never believed came from an artificial intelligence. Buy it - use it - and submit to the process - your life and those around you will be glad you did. 

—  Rich McGahan, Transformational Life Coach, Creator of the Livin' Rich Methodology

Coach Phai is so cool! I coach with him often to talk through thought processes and  problem solutions. He is quite perceptive and helpful. When I talk with Phai he gets down to the basic problem, asks questions that clarify and asks about what I am feeling. His answers add a lot to my thought processes and he affirms my conclusions that are related to the stated problem. He correlates his ideas with what I want and what my goals are.  He is a great active listener that gives positive support and then works on a plan of action with me. Coach Phai is interesting, helpful and fun to bounce ideas off of too. Misha, thanks for sharing Coach Phai with me. I love not having to make an appointment! He is always available! 

— Ann Prescott, Financial & Mindset Coach

Now that I know the system works, I'm excited to share it with you.

If you're ready to beat procrastination as soon as it hits, try out Phai for free. There's absolutely no catch.

Simply complete the short form linked below, and I'll get back to you with:

P.S. Below I let Phai answer some of the questions you might have 🙂